Thursday, January 22, 2009

Video Time! (#3 is my favorite of the bunch)

I have a junk load of pictures I need to upload, catalog and then toss into Flickr, but why upload pictures when videos are so much better?

First off, as Cindy mentioned, she has graduated from “working-at-a-job mom” to “stay-at-home mom”. Guess what? She’s really good at it. No surprise, but this house is functioning a thousand times better then when I tried to be in charge of cooking, cleaning and taking care of Carter.

Cindy’s got Carter doing fun things during the day, and his favorite past-time as of late is making COOKIES. In fact, “cookie” has replaced “ball” as the word of choice and when in doubt he’ll just call something a cookie.

Here’s Carter making cookies with Cindy:


We got him to make some animal sounds, too:


Lastly, and my personal favorite, is Carter’s bath time. I really think he only eats dinner because he knows he gets a bath afterwards. If life was just bath time, Carter would do just fine. With that in mind, during his bath tonight, we tried capturing his splash sessions and cannonballs, but ended up with this instead:


Yo Gabba Gabba taught him funny faces and he rather enjoys them from time to time. So do we.


Cassie said...

K...I'm freaking OUT! He's saying words, he said HI like it was nothin! I love the 3rd one, he really got in to it. Dang you have a cute kid, he's gonna be a looker when he grows up.

Traci Elizabeth said...

Oh my, cindy, he is so adorable. I am glad you get to stay at home with him....I don't know how you resist pinching his cute little cheeks all day!

Side note: In my ward is the co-creator of Yo gabba and about 5 other people that work on the huh?

Sam said...

i LOVED video number three. He had such commitment there at the end. I really believed that funny face.

Sam said...

Oh, and that was lori commenting. Apparently I was signed into sam's account.

Jenni said...

Oh, Cindy Lou. I miss you.

r said...

He is so cute! What a funny kid!

Kirsten said...

Those were SO cute!!! I even made my dad come in and watch them :) I LOVED teh funny faces!! ha ha! Carter is the best :)

Jenn said...

K, I hadn't seen your log in a little while but I swear Carter went from being a baby to being a little boy. And such a cute little boy at that!

Elise said...

Oh my goodness! I Laughed SO hard!!! Those are classic videos!! Awww...I miss you guys!! and I love Carter's funny faces- what a cutie!

PureDesign said...

Yo Gabba Gabba scares me! But Hannah likes it!

Also Flickr let's you upload videos too... They just have to be 90 seconds or less.

Trisha said...

yaay for getting to do the stay at mom thing! I just read your post about getting to stay at home, but I want you to know that I know you were the greatest mom Carter could ask for even when you are working! You are an amazing girl, remember that!

Amanda said...

LOVED them all! I had Elizabeth help me make bread today for the first time, she loved it. Or she loved playing in the flour rather. We need to try cookies next.

I died laughing at the funny face. THAT IS AWESOME!

spice2116 said...

those were sooo fun to watch especially loved the funny face!!