Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School starts... again

Tomorrow marks another semester of classes. The optimist in me says "One more semester means that much closer to graduation", but the realist has long since silenced that voice and sided with pessimism on this matter so I'm not really looking forward to things starting up again. Oh well, at least I have the opportunity of furthering my education, so I shouldn't be too ungrateful.

Prepping for classes is my new plan for the semester. OneNote 2007 and a tablet PC has helped keep me organized so I'm trying to do the leg work ahead of time. It's kinda boring work though, so I've been reading up on a really nerdy, albeit funny, webcomic, XKCD. I'm a fairly geeky guy and comfortable with the label but some of the humor there is completely over my head. It does provide some laughs, and even Cindy enjoyed a few that I was brave enough to show her.

Yeah... humor's a bit dark/off, but that how it needs to be from time to time.

And, for the majority of you that check this blog for cute Carter/Cindy sightings, here you go:



Lori said...

I in no way covet your schedule this semester. It is indeed one step closer to being all done with everything though, so yay.

VoNique said...

Cute picture! And that's my kind of comic. = )

Cassie said...

Cindy and Carter are so cute!

How am I supposed to make up theory if your gone all the time :(

Jenni said...

Cindy! You are brunette!! Holy cow! Looks good girl!

Wendy said...

We are still laughing - thanks Chris!

PureDesign said...

I miss you man!

PureDesign said...

So I got a surprise for you on my blog!

Elise said...

congrats Chris...keep going- you're Almost there!! So good to see you and Cindy before I left. Sure love you guys!

Joella Kingsbury said...

I love the hair, Cindy! Carter is sooo cute! I saw you on Good reads and I finally put up some books. Hope everything is going well!!